En este juego, te encuentras disfrutando de un sueño reparador hasta que, en medio de la noche, te despiertas debido al estruendo de una fiesta en la mansión contigua. Decides confrontar a tus ruidosos vecinos para poner fin a su alboroto, utilizando cualquier medio a tu alcance para llevar a cabo tu misión.

Los controles para jugarlo son:

WASD = moverse

Click izquierdo = puñetazo

Shift = dash

Las mecanicas son:

Tienes que evitar que la barra de ansiedad/agobio no suba al maximo por cada nivel (es como el contador de tiempo que puedes pasar en el nivel), si sube al maximo pierdes.

Tambien evitar que la barra de rabia suba al maximo, la barra va subiendo cada vez que haces daño a un enemigo, si se llena al maximo tendras en pantalla una cuenta regresiva, si llega a 0 antes de que agarres algun botiquin distribuido por el nivel, mueres.

Para pasar de nivel tienes que golpear la puerta del final con click derecho.

Pdt: estas instrucciones tambien seran proporcionadas ingame a modo de "mensaje", el cual es skipeable.


Twitter: https://x.com/volticfist

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@volticfist

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/volticfist/

Discord:  https://discord.gg/q8edMxfuaS

Updated 7 hours ago
Published 10 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
GenreAction, Platformer
Made withConstruct
Tags2D, Pixel Art
Average sessionA few minutes
LanguagesSpanish; Castilian


Not_PartyTime.zip 119 MB

Install instructions

Descargas el .zip, lo extraes y listo.


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(1 edit)


I tryed your game and some how I canot pass the first level. I cannot take the medikit and I can only punch when i am standing still using the left mous click. Am I doing something wrong? I would like to try it right.

The reason you can't pick up the medikit is explained both in the game description and within the game itself. In order to use the medikit, you must be in the countdown phase, which occurs when your rage level reaches its maximum.

Additionally, the limitation of only being able to attack with the left mouse button is also detailed in the game and its description. If you wish to attack while moving, there's a dash feature mentioned in the controls section of the description. This dash can be activated whether you are standing still or in motion.

Furthermore, there is a known bug related to the death cinematics caused by the encoding of the video. Unfortunately, when you lose, you will need to close and reopen the game to continue. I have already resolved this bug; however, I am unable to update the game due to restrictions on updates.

I appreciate your understanding, and I wish you all the best!

OK thats fine. But how do I beat the level. I killed allready all. Is there something else i am missing?

Yes, to beat the level, you have to hit the final door with the right click. It also states this in the game's description, by the way.